Morning is the start of a brand new day. God was so wise when He divided our lifetime into days. Just think, had He not done so, our life on this planet would be accumulated into one extremely long day. There would be no “yesterday” to put behind us, nor would there be a “tomorrow” to look forward to. Yes, we are blessed to experience something fresh and new each day as we awaken from sleep… Morning!

Possibilities and opportunities await us each day, but we must start off on the right foot. How did Jesus start each day? The story of His life is filled with accounts of his early morning prayer routine. Often, He would rise before the first light of day to meet with His Father and commune with Him. This devotional is a tool to help believers model Jesus’ early morning communion with the Father and to fulfill His command to “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Remember, the word FIRST does not just refer to a priority ranking… it refers also to the time of day. May you be blessed as you seek God in the FIRST part of your day… Morning!


My dog, Archie, knows and recognizes several words when spoken. Well, this morning, Archie was laying flat as a pancake on his mat in our living room … dead to the world. My wife asked me, “Are you GOING for your walk now?” As soon as she said the word “GOING,”...

Eternity in Their Hearts

Several years ago, I was talking with a friend at work about some concepts I was learning from a course I was taking at school. In this course, we were studying “The Afterlife.” I mentioned to my friend that one belief held by many people is that there is no afterlife...

From Earthly Business to Kingdom Business

I was talking to one of my customers on the phone today. At first, it was all business with discussion about a project I was working on for her. But, after a few minutes, the conversation took a beautiful turn. We began to talk about what God was doing in our lives,...

The Smell of Smoke

THE SMELL OF SMOKE While seeking the Lord in prayer this morning, I was praying particularly for some friends and family who’ve gone through struggles and trials recently. As I prayed for these individuals, a phrase from the scripture rose up in my spirit: “May the...


I was praying for a woman who had been through a very traumatic experience. I struggled with finding the words to pray for her. As I tried to imagine myself in her situation, with the deep pain and sense of loss that she has experienced, I could think of nothing that...


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