My wife called out to me while I was sitting in the backyard this morning, “I’m about to cook some breakfast. Do you want some?” “No thanks,” I replied. I continued sitting there in my Adirondack chair, enjoying the sights and sounds of the morning for a few more minutes. Then, I decided to get up and do a little yard work. As I neared the garage to get some tools, the scent of frying bacon wafted past my nose. Oh my goodness! The smell filled the air, making it extremely difficult to focus on the work at hand. 

My neighbors passed by as they were walking their dog, and called out to me, “Is that your breakfast we’re smelling? It sure does smell good!” The aroma had carried all the way out to the street! I replied, “Yes. Well, actually, Lisa’s in there cooking and I told her I didn’t want any … but I’m about to change my mind!” I continued to work as the “heavenly” aroma permeated our entire back yard. When I finished, and put up my tools, my wife came out of the house and said, “There’s bacon in the kitchen if you want some.” This time, I DID NOT REFUSE! 

So, what made the difference? The original offer was made and I rejected it. But, the intoxicating smell of bacon cooking convinced me that I had made a wrong decision. It was nice of my wife to offer breakfast to me, for sure. But, it was easy to reject her offer when it was just “verbally communicated.” The smell of frying bacon, however, presented the offer in a totally different way. My ears heard her offer and I rejected it, but, then my nose smelled the offer … and that made all the difference.

Christians sometimes think their only duty is to speak God’s message so it will be heard. But, really, that’s only part of the equation. When Christians live their life in a way that pleases and honors God, their lives become an aroma of God’s goodness. Unbelievers need to HEAR the message of the gospel … that’s for sure! But, they also need to SMELL the aroma of Heaven in the Christian’s life. It’s like a dinner bell that invites them to the table … or, in my case, the “breakfast bell.”

Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

John 21:12
Jesus saith unto them, “Come and dine.”