Oddly enough, my Thought for Today comes directly from a package of toilet paper. While I was reading the front of  the packaging I noticed that the word “Stronger” in English was translated as “Résistant” in French. Of course, I realize that it is not a literal translation of the word, but, still it gave me an even better appreciation for the word STRONGER. You see, we often associate STRENGTH with physical ability and capability. We say a person is getting STRONGER when they are putting on muscle mass and gaining exterior mobility and agility. But an even greater meaning of the word is discovered when we add the thought of RESISTANCE.

There are muscle-bound men and women who are not able to RESIST even the smallest of temptations that they face. They are STRONG on the outside but WEAK on the inside because they have no RESISTANCE. Yes, when a person possesses the ability to RESIST an urge or harmful desire, they show an inward STRENGTH that, in this world, is not greatly appreciated. When the Bible tells us to “BE STRONG in the Lord and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10) it’s not telling us to put on muscle mass. It’s telling us to gain an inward strength by which we are able to RESIST our enemy. After all, Ephesians 6 is all about the armor of God and our battle against the enemy of our souls. There are frail little grandmothers, who are kneeling before God this day in prayer, who are ten times STRONGER than the Muscle-head working out at the local gym.

Are you STRONG today? And when I say STRONG I really mean RESISTANT. There’s so much more to STRENGTH than what we fully understand… a package of toilet paper told me so!

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NAS)
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be STRONG.

James 4:7 (NAS)
Submit therefore to God. RESIST the devil and he will flee from you.