Where Is This Road Taking You?

Where Is This Road Taking You?

I asked a troubled and rebellious young man, “Do you believe in prophets?” He replied, “Yes.” I told him, “Well, I’m not one, but I can tell you your future right now because I can see the road you’re traveling on, and it’s the road that leads to jail and prison.” I...
Faith……. and Microwave Ovens

Faith……. and Microwave Ovens

A young man told me, “I shouldn’t have been baptized when I was 6 years old. I was too young and didn’t understand what I was doing.” He continued to talk about how children aren’t knowledgeable enough to make a decision of that magnitude until they get old enough to...


What are the only recorded ages of Jesus found in the Bible? 12 and 30. At the age of 12 we find Jesus in the temple talking with the elders and Pharisees and astounding them with his wisdom (Luke 2:42). In Luke 3:23 the Bible tells us that Jesus was about 30 years...
Just Send Your Word, Lord

Just Send Your Word, Lord

A chill went down my spine one night as I taught a Bible Study at  the Men’s Home. We were studying about the centurion who asked Jesus to come and heal his servant. While Jesus was still far off, the centurion sent word to Him to not come to his house, but to just...


When my kids were preschool age I used to wrestle with them on our living room floor. Every once in a while I would “pin them” to the floor just to remind them that I was “the boss,” but most of the time I would let them beat me so they could know the thrill of...