I was reading the Bible one night and stumbled upon this verse:

“Now Jesus LOVED Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.” – John 11:5

For some reason that verse jumped off the page at me. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown so accustomed to the idea that God loves THE WORLD that I’ve somehow forgotten that He loves INDIVIDUALS. Jesus is not like a rock star, singing on a stage for thousands, and loving them as a crowd but keeping a bodyguard between himself and adoring fans… individuals that the star really has no time for. Jesus LOVES individuals… JESUS LOVES YOU! Just thought you might like to hear that today!


Today’s Word of EXHORTATION

If it seems like you’re at the end of your rope tie a “NOT” in it and say:
“This is NOT the end.
God will NOT fail me.
I can NOT be defeated.
I will NOT give up.
I am NOT a quitter.
The devil will NOT win!”