One day, you will wake up and realize that all the things you once looked FORWARD to when you were younger are now BEHIND you. You will be tempted to look BACKWARDS in time to find happiness and joy… remembering the good ol’ days when you were younger and your “life” was ahead of you. Don’t give in to those thoughts!

Do you think that the giant apple tree benefits at all from remembering when it was a young sapling? When it was a sapling it had no height, no depth of root, no fruit on its branches. It struggled through the changing of the seasons, the cold of winter, and the blights and parasites that attack young trees. It fought to stay alive through times of drought and harsh conditions. Its goal was to become a fruit-bearer… to have depth of root… to grow tall and stout. When this is finally achieved would it not be nonsense to wish for its younger years back? Now it is tall, mature, strong, and bearing fruit. It has something to offer the world. You do too!

You are now seasoned, experienced, wise and discerning. You have something to offer the world now. All of your energy is not focused upon yourself. You can meet the needs of others. Others can benefit from your experiences and years of wisdom. Nephews, nieces and grandchildren can climb up into your arms (your branches) because you are mature, strong and stable. Others can come to you for wisdom and advice knowing that you have stood the test of time and your roots have dug deep into the earth. You have not been uprooted even though you’ve gone through many storms. Some will seek fruit from your branches for refreshment and nourishment… love, joy, peace… fruit that is only found on mature trees.

Your best years are not behind you. You are now in your best years… the years that all the seasons of growth have prepared you for. You are now a FRUIT-BEARER.

Psalm 1:3

…he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season;… and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.