I held two seemingly identical coffee mugs up in the air at the Men’s Home Bible Study. I asked the men if they could see any difference between the two mugs. They all agreed that the two mugs were practically identical in appearance. So, I said, “So, if I told you I was going to give you one of these mugs to keep would you have a preference as to which one it was?” They all agreed that it would make no difference to them which one I gave them. “That’s a shame” I said, “because if you had chosen this one (I tipped one of the mugs over and poured out a wad of cash on the floor) look what you would have received!” They all laughed and then admitted that the contents of the mugs was just as important as the outward appearance. I then tipped the other mug over to reveal that it was completely empty.

Today, many will see you and make judgments and estimations about you solely based on your outward appearance and actions. You will not be able to avoid this. But, before you part ways hopefully they will find out that there is more to you “than meets the eye.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 says, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels (clay pots), so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves.” You may look like all the other “clay pots” around, but if you’ll let the treasure within you shine many will realize that there is something different about you… because your contents are showing.

My Prayer for Today:
“Lord, I may just be a clay pot, but because You are in me I’m filled with greatness and goodness. May my “contents” show today in every aspect of my life. May others see YOU in ME. ” 

1 John 4:4
Greater is He that is IN YOU than he that is in the world.