This morning a simple prayer was in my heart so I prayed it out loud, “Lord, give me strength.” As soon as those words left my mouth, it was as if the Lord Himself spoke to me with the words from the scripture, “The joy of the Lord is your STRENGTH” (Nehemiah 8:10). So, I changed my prayer and prayed, “Lord, give me your joy!” As soon as those words left my mouth, it was as if the Lord Himself spoke to me again with the words from the scripture, “In His presence is fulness of JOY” (Psalm 16:11) So, one last time, I changed my prayer and prayed, “Lord, help me to get into Your Presence.”

Just think, there is no more meaningful prayer that we can pray in our lives than a simple prayer of seeking God’s presence. Every need is met in His presence! Where is the one place where God’s presence is fully manifested? Isn’t it Heaven? Are there any needs in Heaven? Are there any who are weak or sickly? Sad or depressed? Overtaken by struggles? NO! And, this is why Jesus told us to pray, “Your will be done on Earth as it is in HEAVEN [the place of God’s Presence].” So, when we pray those words we are actually praying, “Lord, may your presence come invade our lives.” His Earthly presence in our lives conquers every need we have, even as His Heavenly Presence will not permit or allow neediness or weakness.

Got a need in your life today? Seek God’s presence… every need is met there!

My Prayer for Today:
“Lord, I need strength! But not just any strength… I need YOUR strength! I know that it can only be found in YOUR presence, so I will spend time today seeking Your presence, because in Your presence is fulness of Joy… and Your joy gives me the strength I need!”

Psalm 140:13
Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.