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Your True Value

Your True Value

An acquaintance of mine sold 4 very old silver dollars for $20 a piece at an auction I went to. When I asked him about the coins he said, “Those were my wife’s coins. Do you know where she got them from?” He went on to tell me that his wife works in a restaurant in...

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A miraculous event happened in the life of a man named Cornelius. An angel appeared to him and told him to send some men to get the Apostle Peter and bring him to his house. Cornelius did as the angel instructed, and Peter came and preached to Cornelius and his...

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Give me the Bad News First

Give me the Bad News First

A friend called me the other day and said, “I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news.” I said, “Give me the bad news first” and he did. After the bad news was out of the way all of my angst, and any fear that I might have had, was gone because I knew the good news...

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When I Die

When I Die

I used to say, along with most other folks I know, “When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep.” Now, I’m not planning on dying any time soon, but recently I’ve changed my philosophy. When I die I don’t want to go in my sleep. No! I want to go while I’m actively...

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Seeing Through God’s Eyes

Seeing Through God’s Eyes

There was an elementary-aged boy in my class at church that was pushing every single one of my buttons. He was being extremely obnoxious, and I was having a difficult time getting his cooperation. When it was time for the Scripture lesson for the evening he continued...

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Growing Spiritual Muscle

Growing Spiritual Muscle

One of the main ways muscles grow is through tension. When muscle fibers undergo tension (like the tension experienced during resistance training) the muscle fiber becomes torn and damaged, and satellite cells come to aid in the repair of the damaged muscle fiber....

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Here’s just a slightly different look at things. In Genesis 1, after every day of God’s creative work, each day concluded with this thought: “And God saw that IT WAS GOOD.” The sixth day of God’s Creation concluded with this thought: “God saw all that He had made, and...

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The Old and the New

The Old and the New

I led worship at a small church one Sunday and had a good time mingling some newer worship choruses with some old familiar hymns. You might not think you could mix “Trading My Sorrows” with “Victory in Jesus” but it definitely can be done. When the service was over an...

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Man Up!

Man Up!

One of my favorite Bible verses for men is found in the book of Job. In Job 3:8 God said to Job, “Now gird up your loins like a man….” Put in today’s vernacular, God was saying “MAN UP!” I asked a group of men at a Bible Study, “If God came to you and said ‘Man Up’...

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