I used to say, along with most other folks I know, “When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep.” Now, I’m not planning on dying any time soon, but recently I’ve changed my philosophy. When I die I don’t want to go in my sleep. No! I want to go while I’m actively doing something. I want to go while I’m playing the guitar and leading worship. I want to go while I’m playing dodge-ball with my elementary kids at church (Morbid thought, I know, but hear me out). I want to go while I’m on my morning prayer walk. I want to go while working on a job for one of my customers. I want to go while I’m leading a Bible Study at the Men’s Home. Yes! I want to go while I’m doing something… especially if it’s something for God’s kingdom!

How did Jesus “die?” He died with an audience in front of Him. He died giving of himself. He died with a goal in mind. He died pressing toward God’s will. Even when He was on the cross dying for our sins he was still ministering to others. (Remember the thief?) He is my example.

I definitely don’t want to die while laying down on the couch eating Little Debbie Swiss Rolls and watching another episode of Seinfeld. If I want my life to count, I want my death to count also. I want to die having squeezed every ounce of purpose out of this life that God had for me.

Perhaps this is a morbid thought to some, but maybe it’s just the kind of thinking that could lead us toward making each moment count more before our time comes. No, I don’t want to leave this world on a downward slope… I want to leave it while climbing a mountain!

Romans 14:8 (NAS)
For if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord ; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.