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Daddy’s Chair

Daddy’s Chair

When I was a kid growing up in the Lane household the five of us kids could sit at any chair at the supper table we wanted to… any chair, that is, except for the chair at the head of the table. That was my Father’s chair. It was just understood. He was the head of the...

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Blind Bartimaeus… Seeing Bartimaeus

Blind Bartimaeus… Seeing Bartimaeus

Do you realize just how close the story of Blind Bartimaeus came to not appearing in the Bible? As the story goes, Jesus was passing through Bartimaeus’ hometown and a multitude of people gathered around Him. Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by so he repeatedly...

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Praise… or Rebuke?

Praise… or Rebuke?

A few years ago I was coaching my son’s co-ed soccer team when one of the girls on the team scored her first (and only) goal of the year. I was celebrating on the sidelines, jumping up and down, screaming out her name in victory. In a team huddle after the game I made...

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Two Kinds of Life

Two Kinds of Life

1. ETERNAL LIFE: Life that is fully and completely enjoyed in HEAVEN as a result of receiving salvation through Jesus Christ. 2. ABUNDANT LIFE: Life that is fully and completely enjoyed on EARTH as a result of receiving salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus came to...

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Metamorphoo… it’s the Greek word for TRANSFORM. You probably recognize it from your days in Science class as you studied the “metamorphosis” of the caterpillar into a butterfly. It is the same word used to describe what happened to Jesus on the Mount of...

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I am a BELIEVER. I carry that name with reverence and humility. Yes, I am called BELIEVER… not FEELER, for I am led by what I believe and not what I feel. Many times my feelings take a back seat to the things I believe. Emotions can be wonderful… they can manufacture...

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Revelation from a Stain

Revelation from a Stain

The year was 1987. I was at my home church, Trinity Chapel, on Sunday morning and we were observing Communion. The Communion trays were being handed out as I sat on the pew next to my friend Ronnie Crites. It was a somber and solemn moment as we reflected on the death...

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When a Slave Becomes a King

When a Slave Becomes a King

Why did it take the children of Israel 40 years to enter into the Promised Land? I’ve heard many good explanations, and would like to add just one more for consideration. Proverbs 30:21-22 tells us, “Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear...

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Hard and Cold

Hard and Cold

A stick of butter was sitting out on the counter in our kitchen. I asked my wife, “Did you leave this out on purpose?” She replied, “Yes, I’m sitting it out so it can soften.” The wheels started turning in my head, almost like I’ve never understood the cause and...

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