I was driving up a steep hill one day and, just out of curiosity, I pushed the accelerator all the way to the floor for a moment then took my foot off of the accelerator to see how far the momentum would take me. Surprisingly, I made it to the top of the hill (about 20 yards) simply by coasting uphill with the momentum I had gained. Yes, I suppose you could say that I “coasted uphill.”

Coasting uphill, however, is not easily achieved and is rarely done. No, going uphill usually requires the exertion of energy and a large amount of resistance. The downward pull of gravity is a powerful force to be reckoned with, making the idea of “coasting uphill” almost an absurdity.

Going downhill, on the other hand, you can coast all day long without exerting any energy whatsoever. But who wants to go downhill all the time? I like getting to the high places, and if it requires extra energy and a little sweat then so be it. That’s why I have adopted this two-word phrase as one of my slogans for life: “No Coasting!” Coasting will almost always take us downhill… a direction that few of us enjoy! So, let’s put the pedal to the medal and climb some mountains!

My Confession for Today:
“I reject the easy way, the lazy way, and the ‘path of least resistance’. I know that God is calling me to higher places in my life. I know energy will be required, and a certain amount of stamina and fortitude. I will pursue all that God has for me with the strength that He provides. I refuse to Coast!”

Philippians 3:14 (NAS)
“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the UPWARD call of God in Christ Jesus.”