I was quietly worshiping the Lord one Sunday morning in church when an old gentleman sat down just two seats from me. I had never seen the elderly man before. He appeared to be in his late 80’s, quite possibly even early 90’s. He was smartly dressed in a stylish brown suit and yellow tie. He was very distinguished looking.

Moments later, I glanced in his direction and caught a glimpse of him with eyes closed and hands raised in worship as a contemporary worship song was being played. It was obvious to me that he was not so engaged in worship because of the style of the music being played, or because of the song selection, but simply because he loved the “One” that was being sung to. I don’t mind telling you that I was moved to tears to see such an expression of worship from an older person… so removed from me in years, yet so close to me in heart.

I have now seen the man I hope to be as time progresses for me. Times change, seasons of life change, people in our lives change, physical appearance changes, styles and tastes change, but one thing remains the same through our years…. God does not change. He will forever be worshiped.

We will never outgrow worship, and never reach a place where it is no longer necessary. As a matter of fact, if we’re planning on going to Heaven we should be preparing ourselves for an eternity of worship. Thank you Lord for sending that old man to me that Sunday morning and letting me see the face of my future… a future where “growing old” doesn’t mean “growing cold.”

Psalm 92:12-14 (NAS)
The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age.