Several years ago part of my morning routine was to take a two-mile jog each morning. I did it as a form of exercise and for health reasons. I was talking to a friend about my exercise routine and explained to him that some mornings I jogged while other mornings I just walked. He asked why I walked instead of jogged and I said, “Because some mornings I just don’t feel like jogging.” He just smiled, let out a little chuckle and said, “Well Greg, when you don’t FEEL like it, that’s when you just push through and do it anyway.”

Those simple words reverberated over and over again in my mind just about every morning for the next several months. When I woke up in the morning and contemplated whether I would jog or walk I would hear my friend’s words, “When you don’t feel like it just push through and do it anyway”. So, even when I didn’t feel like jogging, I pushed through and did it anyway, and I felt so much better for having done so.

Inspiring words don’t always have to be profound…. sometimes they can be as simple as “When you don’t feel like it, just do it anyway.” As I heard those words reverberating in my mind each morning they motivated me to do something I didn’t really want to do. Wow! Inspiring words have so much power!

With that thought in mind today, I say to you: “You may not FEEL like doing the right thing today, but just push through and do it anyway. You may not FEEL like being nice to others who mistreat you, but just push through and do it anyway. You may not FEEL like being positive when everybody else is being negative, but just push through and do it anyway.” When you do the right thing even when you don’t really FEEL like it there is something special that happens to you…. you become AN OVERCOMER!

1 John 5:4 (NAS)
For whatever is born of God OVERCOMES the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.