When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was sick he delayed going to him, and said to his disciples, “This sickness will not end in death….” If you know the story, however, you remember that Lazarus did actually die from his sickness and Jesus had to go and raise him from the dead. (John 11)

So, it almost seems contradictory, doesn’t it?! Did Jesus lie? Did Jesus get his “wires crossed” with God? Did he misinterpret what God had spoken to his spirit?

Let’s go back and look at exactly what Jesus said. He said, “This sickness will not END in death” (emphasis on the word END). As the old saying goes “It isn’t over until it’s over.” In the story of Lazarus, Lazarus DID die, but that’s not where the story ENDED. He was raised from the dead by the loving, caring, powerful Messiah. So, you see, Jesus was completely correct… Lazarus’ sickness didn’t end in death. It ENDED in a resurrection!

Do you know WHERE you are in the story of your life that God is writing? There are twists and turns in every good story that’s ever been written, but the story isn’t over until you see the words “THE END.” The story of your life has probably been filled with drama, twists and turns, and seeming dead-ends, but don’t panic. You’re only in the middle of the story. Don’t let the devil lie to you and tell you that it’s THE END. It’s not over until God says it’s over!

My Confession for Today:
“I know that God has good plans for my life. Everything is working together for my good because I’m called according to His purpose. When things aren’t going good at the moment I will not get disheartened… I know my story will not END with bad news.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an EXPECTED END.