Why was Jesus born the year that he was born? Why wasn’t He born 200 years or 500 years earlier (or later for that matter)? And, why didn’t He start his ministry at the age of 18 or 25 or 27? Why did it start when He was 30 years old? The answer to these questions is captured in a single verse in Galatians chapter 4, “But when the FULLNESS OF TIME had come, God sent forth his Son…” (Galatians 4:4). There was a set time for Him to be born, a set time for Him to start His ministry and a set time for Him to die. The reason everything happened when it did is because THE FULLNESS OF TIME had come.

There is also a fullness of time for each of us in our lives. That is why it is so important for us to learn patience. Many would like to “speed up” the processes in their lives. Impatience leads us to make decisions out-of-step with God’s perfect timing… before the fullness of time has arrived. Those who are too impatient to wait on “the fullness of time” will have to be content with grape juice even though they prefer the taste of wine. Wine can only be made after the fullness of time has been observed.

If you’re disappointed that things aren’t happening for you in the time frame you had hoped may I suggest that maybe God’s “set time” for you has not yet come… that the fullness of time has yet to be reached… that exhibiting patience is the very best thing that you can do in this present moment. Patience says, “God, I trust You, that You will get everything to me in the proper time. I can wait until the fullness of time has come for me.” If you understand and believe that God has perfect timing it releases you from worry, impatience and fear about the future.

He’s in control and He has perfect timing. You can count on that… every time!

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV) “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”