Here are a few thoughts about “THINGS:”

A. The Bible says God “richly supplies us with all THINGS to enjoy”
(1 Timothy 6:17). Now, I’m no rocket scientist but here are a couple of things that I can deduce from this verse:

1. God supplies us with THINGS.

2. The THINGS are for our enjoyment.

B. The Bible also says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these THINGS shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33). Again, I’m no rocket scientist but here’s what I deduce from this verse:

1. If you’re seeking God, he will give you THINGS.

2. THINGS will be ADDED to you (not taken away) when you’re serving God.

I don’t see how people can get confused about this. Many “religious” people think that God doesn’t want you to have THINGS. They think THINGS will stand in the way between you and God. But, if you’re doing things God’s way:

1.) THINGS will be added to you, and,

2.) God will supply THINGS simply for your enjoyment.

My Prayer for Today:
“Lord, you know the THINGS that I need in my life. I put You and Your kingdom first in my life, and trust that all the THINGS I need will be taken care of today.”

Psalm 34:10 (NAS)
The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the LORD shall not be in want of any good THING.