One Sunday afternoon I was backing out of a parking place at a local restaurant. I couldn’t see if any cars were coming because a huge truck was blocking my vision. My sister was in the back seat of my truck and she had a better vantage point to see if any cars were coming. She said, “You can back out now… nothing is coming.” Totally trusting in her word I backed my truck out of my parking place, not being able to see anything that was behind me.

When I had completely pulled out of the parking place and put my truck in Drive I commented to my sister, “Now, that’s what you call walking by Faith, not by Sight!” It was a perfect illustration of what walking by faith means. Trusting the words of somebody who has a better vantage point… trusting the words of someone who can see things more clearly than yourself… trusting the words of someone who can see things that you can’t see. Sometimes we mistakenly use the term “blind faith” in our walk of faith. But faith is not blind at all. Faith is trusting in a pair of eyes… just not your own.

You can say that you trust God and that you have faith in Him. But, as long as your foot is on the brake when He says “Accelerate” you’re still walking by sight. Romans 10:17 tells us that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” I’d like to add just a couple of words to that familiar verse without doing any damage to it… “Faith comes by HEARING God tell you what He is SEEING.” He has the best vantage point of all… He sees things that you can’t see… trust in His eyes… have FAITH!

My Prayer for Today:
“Lord, I know you see things that I can’t see. You see things coming my way that I’m completely blind to at the moment. I choose to trust your eyes… not my own.”

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.