January 4

I woke up early one Fall morning before the sun had risen. I walked down to a wooded area in my neighborhood, pulled up a log and sat down on it, quietly meditating and praying. Because it was chilly that morning I put on a hoodie and pulled the hood over my head. As I sat there quiet and still a very peculiar thing happened. A robin flew down out of a tree and landed on my head for a brief moment. I suppose in the darkness that my shadowy silhouette looked like a lifeless stump to the bird. Of course I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt the creature land on my head, but after regaining my composure, I was reminded of an important lesson about Nature that morning… when you’re quiet and still things come to you.

Stray dogs and cats don’t come up close to people who are moving about… they come to those who are quiet and still. Chipmunks and squirrels tend to be nervous little varmints, but I’ve had them come up right next to me as I’ve been quiet and still. I’ve even had a beautiful red fox come up close to me when I was being extremely quiet and still. THINGS COME TO YOU WHEN YOU’RE QUIET AND STILL.

Most people these days are way too busy. They’re looking for some peace and tranquility but it eludes them because they’re always in a hurry… always moving… trying to make things happen… always on a schedule and going to the next event. But here’s what I’ve discovered: Peace comes to you when you’re quiet and still, Ideas come to you when you’re quiet and still, Inspiration comes to you when you’re quiet and still, and most importantly… God comes to you when you’re quiet and still.

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Isaiah 30:15 (NAS) “In quietness and trust is your strength”

Psalm 131:2 (NIV) “But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.”