I conducted an object lesson for a large group of Elementary kids at church a few years ago. I was trying to teach them the meaning of the word ENDURANCE. In Matthew 24:13 Jesus said, “He who endures to the end will be saved” so knowing what the word ENDURE means...


Years ago, on my daily morning walks I was trying to train my dog, Lily, (a German Schnauzer) not to cross the street when cars were coming. One day I thought I’d try something new. As we were walking along we got to the place where we cross a very busy street. I...
Eclipse of the SON

Eclipse of the SON

Have you ever had a dream that was so “real” and life-like that it just stuck with you? Well, I had one of those dreams one morning right before I awoke from sleep. It was a dream about a solar eclipse. When I woke up I was able to immediately attach a meaning to the...
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

When my kids were preschool age they liked for me to play “Hide and Seek” with them in our home. It was always a challenge for me to find a hiding place that could conceal all 6 feet 3 inches of my frame. One particular day I remember cleverly concealing myself behind...
You’re Just Gonna Have to Forget About That!

You’re Just Gonna Have to Forget About That!

My dog, Archie, and I were returning home from our walk one morning and, as usual, Archie was pulling on his leash trying to get out ahead of me. Suddenly, without any warning, he took a detour from the pathway as if being pulled by an unseen force. Actually, it...