Lord, Heal My Soul

Lord, Heal My Soul

Psalm 41:4  I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: HEAL MY SOUL; for I have sinned against thee. Some sins affect our flesh… some our soul. It’s easy to see the ones that affect our flesh. It’s not so easy to see the ones that affect our soul. The meth addict has rotten...
Where’s the Flavor?

Where’s the Flavor?

Have you ever had a cold or a sinus infection that was so bad that you couldn’t taste any of the food you were eating? I remember one time I was eating a nice, big, juicy $12 hamburger at a restaurant, but I had a sinus infection and I couldn’t taste anything. It...
The POWER of the Tongue

The POWER of the Tongue

Jesus told the disciples, “Wait in Jerusalem until you receive POWER from Heaven,” so they waited, not knowing what the POWER would look like. Perhaps some of them wondered how this POWER would be manifested. Would it be a miracle-working POWER manifested through...
Call It the Way You See It??

Call It the Way You See It??

I’ve heard people brag about their ability to be REALISTIC by saying, “I just call things the way I see them.” Now, why would somebody brag about something like that? It takes no special ability, insight or talent to “call things the way you see them.” It takes no...
You’re Just Gonna Have to Forget About That!

You’re Just Gonna Have to Forget About That!

My dog, Archie, and I were returning home from our walk one morning and, as usual, Archie was pulling on his leash trying to get out ahead of me. Suddenly, without any warning, he took a detour from the pathway as if being pulled by an unseen force. Actually, it...
Tasting Death

Tasting Death

In Hebrews 2:9 it says that Jesus “tasted death for every man.” What do you suppose death tastes like? Guess what… You’ll never have to find out because Jesus tasted death for you! He TASTED DEATH FOR EVERY MAN! In Bible times, a king would have a servant called...