Fear is a Liar!

Fear is a Liar!

I was awakened from sleep one night by the shrill sound of a woman’s screams… or at least so I thought. My heart was racing as I immediately raised up out of bed, responding with a fearful panic to the sound I had heard. Fear-filled thoughts entered my mind as I...


I am a very big believer in the POWER OF WORDS. Having said that, however, I’d like to offer the following observation. When God wanted to create the Earth and the Universe it was a simple process… He spoke WORDS… and whatever He spoke came into existence. He showed...
Hard and Cold

Hard and Cold

A stick of butter was sitting out on the counter in our kitchen. I asked my wife, “Did you leave this out on purpose?” She replied, “Yes, I’m sitting it out so it can soften.” The wheels started turning in my head, almost like I’ve never understood the cause and...
The End

The End

When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was sick he delayed going to him, and said to his disciples, “This sickness will not end in death….” If you know the story, however, you remember that Lazarus did actually die from his sickness and Jesus had to go and raise him...
The PLACE You’re Supposed to Be

The PLACE You’re Supposed to Be

Abraham’s father, Terah, was traveling with his  family to Canaan but stopped short and settled in Haran, where he later died. After Terah’s death, God called Abraham to continue the journey that his father had started. Abraham listened to God and moved into Canaan....


I participated in a Storage Unit Auction similar to what you see on the television show “Storage Wars.” A dozen people gathered around a small, closet-sized unit as the auctioneer opened the door to reveal the contents within. A rule of the auction is that no one can...