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Call It the Way You See It?

Call It the Way You See It?

I’ve heard people brag about their ability to be REALISTIC by saying, “I just call things the way I see them.” Now, why would somebody brag about something like that? It takes no special ability, insight or talent to “call things the way you see them.” It takes no...

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The Greatest Thing Your Legs Will Do

The Greatest Thing Your Legs Will Do

Tim Steele was a close friend of mine for many years. Tim was no different from my other friends, except for one thing… he had spent all of his life in a wheelchair due to Cerebral Palsy. As a child, Tim had been told that he would most likely die by the age of 20 due...

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You’re Just Gonna Have to Forget About That!

You’re Just Gonna Have to Forget About That!

My dog, Archie, and I were returning home from our walk one morning and, as usual, Archie was pulling on his leash trying to get out ahead of me. Suddenly, without any warning, he took a detour from the pathway as if being pulled by an unseen force. Actually, it...

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The Voice of Our Enemy

The Voice of Our Enemy

In the late summer of 2015 I found a baby dove during my morning prayer walk, and decided to take him home and care for him. Raising an orphaned baby dove in a house with 2 bird-eating cats was an interesting challenge. The baby dove was sitting in a basket next to my...

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Being LOVED vs. Being PLEASING

Being LOVED vs. Being PLEASING

Matthew 3:17 (NIV) (God speaking of Jesus at His Baptism) And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I LOVE; with him I am well PLEASED.” Matthew 17:5 (NIV) (God speaking of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration) “This is my Son, whom I LOVE; with him I am...

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What Does the Word “DIE” Mean?

What Does the Word “DIE” Mean?

God has a different definition for the word “DIE” than we do. He told Adam and Eve that if they ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that they would “surely DIE.” We think DIE means when the heart stops beating, the brain stops sending and receiving nerve...

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Say What Jesus Said

Say What Jesus Said

I was talking to a lady one Saturday afternoon who had visited the Holy Land. Now, that’s something that I think would be really inspiring… to actually WALK WHERE JESUS WALKED. Just imagining that the very place I was standing might have been the very place that Jesus...

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The First Time

The First Time

I asked a young boy in my elementary class at church to ask the blessing over our supper. He said he didn’t want to do it. When I asked why he didn’t want to say the prayer he said, “Because, I’ve never prayed in front of people before.” When he said that I was taken...

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Tasting Death

Tasting Death

In Hebrews 2:9 it says that Jesus “tasted death for every man.” What do you suppose death tastes like? Guess what... You’ll never have to find out because Jesus tasted death for you! He TASTED DEATH FOR EVERY MAN! In Bible times, a king would have a servant called a...

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