Trusting Someone Else’s Eyes

Trusting Someone Else’s Eyes

One Sunday afternoon I was backing out of a parking place at a local restaurant. I couldn’t see if any cars were coming because a huge truck was blocking my vision. My sister was in the back seat of my truck and she had a better vantage point to see if any cars were...
Bible Fear

Bible Fear

We would all do well to redefine the word FEAR in our lives. To most, the word FEAR simply means “to be afraid of something” that potentially may cause pain, harm or death. So, people have the FEAR of heights, FEAR of the dark, FEAR of sharks, FEAR of death, FEAR of...
Past My Prime

Past My Prime

The other day somebody told me I was “past my prime.” I wasn’t sure what they meant… it sounded like an insult, but I thought I’d look up the word PRIME in the dictionary just to find out what the definition is. I’m so glad I did! I found out that, in painting, when...
No Looking Back!

No Looking Back!

I guess I was about 19 years old when I had my very first “fender-bender.” I had just gotten a roast beef sandwich at the Arby’s drive-through and was waiting to merge on to Sixth Avenue as I sat behind another car. I looked over my shoulder and there were no cars...
An Inconvenient Disturbance

An Inconvenient Disturbance

The preacher asked all the kids to sit by me on the front row one Sunday morning at church. One little boy, who was having  a difficult time sitting still and being quiet, sat right beside me. He wanted to talk to me but I was trying to turn his direction toward the...