A Refuge and a Fortress

A Refuge and a Fortress

Psalm 91:2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my REFUGE and my FORTRESS…”  God is our protection… just like a FORTRESS or a REFUGE. Do you know the difference between the two? A FORTRESS is a place of protection surrounded by walls. The person inside is safe from enemies...
Trusting Someone Else’s Eyes

Trusting Someone Else’s Eyes

One Sunday afternoon I was backing out of a parking place at a local restaurant. I couldn’t see if any cars were coming because a huge truck was blocking my vision. My sister was in the back seat of my truck and she had a better vantage point to see if any cars were...
God’s Not Interested in Numbers??

God’s Not Interested in Numbers??

I’ve heard some people say, “God’s not interested in numbers.” I hate to be disagreeable, but I must insist that’s not true. Here are 3 numbers that I’m positive God is interested in, because Jesus said it Himself: ONE: “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in...
Milk and Honey

Milk and Honey

You’ve probably heard this phrase associated with the Promised Land: “A land flowing with milk and honey.” Sounds like a good place to live! But, just understand this… if it’s flowing with milk and honey then you better be willing to milk some cows…  and you...


A miraculous event happened in the life of a man named Cornelius. An angel appeared to him and told him to send some men to get the Apostle Peter and bring him to his house. Cornelius did as the angel instructed, and Peter came and preached to Cornelius and his...
Lessons from the Prodigal Son

Lessons from the Prodigal Son

There are a few things that I know about God (and about us) simply by reading the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. Here goes: 1. You can be living in the Father’s House and be dissatisfied and discontented to the point where you think you’re missing out on...