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Get “Right” by Confessing “Wrong”

Get “Right” by Confessing “Wrong”

Proverbs 24:16 (NIV) For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again No, I do not say that I never mess up. No, I do not believe that I’m perfect. No, I am not saying that I am better than anyone else. I am aware of my inconsistencies. I am aware of the...

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Lord, Heal My Soul

Lord, Heal My Soul

Psalm 41:4  I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: HEAL MY SOUL; for I have sinned against thee. Some sins affect our flesh… some our soul. It’s easy to see the ones that affect our flesh. It’s not so easy to see the ones that affect our soul. The meth addict has rotten...

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Problems in the Family

Problems in the Family

Somebody recently told me of a Christian who became an atheist because he said the hypocrites in the church made him turn away from God. I shook my head in disbelief and replied, “That’s like me saying to my wife ‘I’m leaving you because I don’t like the way our kids...

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Our Spiritual Umbilical Cord

Our Spiritual Umbilical Cord

While we were still in our mother’s womb we were connected to her by means of an umbilical cord. That connection was our “life source” and without it we would not have survived. When we were born that cord was cut... our life source and supply would now be dependent...

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Where’s the Flavor?

Where’s the Flavor?

Have you ever had a cold or a sinus infection that was so bad that you couldn’t taste any of the food you were eating? I remember one time I was eating a nice, big, juicy $12 hamburger at a restaurant, but I had a sinus infection and I couldn’t taste anything. It...

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Loving the Father

Loving the Father

I was sitting at my computer desk, working on an important deadline one day when, from out of nowhere, my teenage son came up behind me and hugged me around my neck. Supposing that to be his way of telling me he needed something from me, I said, “What was that for?”...

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After the major earthquakes in Nepal in 2015, I was thinking about the tremendous impact earthquakes have.  I recalled something a friend of mine who had been in an earthquake told me. She said, “The worst thing about an earthquake is that feeling that the earth...

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For Those Who Have “No One”

For Those Who Have “No One”

In John chapter 5 we read about the Pool of Bethesda where miraculous healings took place. There were dozens (perhaps even hundreds) of sick and afflicted people who sat around the pool waiting for the waters to be stirred by an angel of God. As the story goes, the...

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A Thief Called WORRY

A Thief Called WORRY

Have you ever left your house and your spouse says, “Did you remember to turn off the stove” and you reply, “Yes.” But, then they say, “Are you SURE you turned off the stove?” So, you begin to think back, and you can’t actually see a picture in your mind of yourself...

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