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For My Own Sake

For My Own Sake

Isaiah 43:25 “I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins.” [God speaking] Why do I forgive people when they do me wrong? I do it for the same reason God does it… FOR MY OWN SAKE. Yes, I know that...

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Fifty Six Dollars

Fifty Six Dollars

$56…I remember the exact amount of money that was in my wallet that day… the day I became FREE from the love of money. It was on a Sunday night at church after a missionary to South America shared his story and an offering was being taken for his ministry. I was a new...

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The Eyes of a Child

The Eyes of a Child

All who live have one thing in common, From the lowly simpleton to the wise old shaman. Both the strong and the weak, the tame and the wild, We have all seen through the eyes of a child. Yes, we were all babes, at one time or another, Each quite dependent on father or...

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A Spiritual Touch

A Spiritual Touch

January 16 I was reviewing a previous week’s lesson on “The Woman with the Issue of Blood” with my elementary kids at church one Wednesday night. She was miraculously healed simply by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment. I said to the kids, “Lots of people were...

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Do Not Go There!

Do Not Go There!

There are three places I’ve been tempted to go, Three places where “love, joy and peace” cannot grow. So, I’ve got some advice that I’d like to share, Just 4 simple words... DO NOT GO THERE. There’s a place called WORRY where you wring your hands, And you fret about...

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Do You Have “Belief” or “Faith”?

Do You Have “Belief” or “Faith”?

Are BELIEF and FAITH the same thing? For the longest time I thought they were interchangeable words, having the same meaning. I’m not sure why it’s took me so long to understand, but I now know that BELIEF and FAITH are two different things. You see, you can have a...

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A Brief History of Words

A Brief History of Words

In the beginning God used words to create everything. Then God used words to bless everything He had created. Then, Satan used words to deceive man. Then, man used words to blame somebody else for his wrong. Then, God used words to curse the works of man’s hands. When...

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Dealing with Imperfections

Dealing with Imperfections

When I was 15 years old I had a hunger inside of me to learn how to play the guitar. A lady at my church gave me one of her old guitars so I could learn to play. I was appreciative of the gift, but there was one small problem with the guitar… the tuning key for the...

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No Coasting!

No Coasting!

I was driving up a steep hill one day and, just out of curiosity, I pushed the accelerator all the way to the floor for a moment then took my foot off of the accelerator to see how far the momentum would take me. Surprisingly, I made it to the top of the hill (about...

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My Morning Walks with God


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