Come Up Here!

Come Up Here!

My son and I were walking on a concrete pathway along the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. After hiking along the path for about a mile or so we decided to head back. On our way back I noticed that we were now going “uphill.” When we began our hike, I hadn’t even...
Joy in the Journey

Joy in the Journey

Life isn’t always about destination… sometimes it’s just as much about “the journey.”  When my kids were little we lived a short distance from a creek that ran through the woods. Every once in a while my kids would say to me, “Daddy, let’s go on a ‘venture’”...
The Tempered Strength of God

The Tempered Strength of God

When my kids were preschool age I used to wrestle with them on our living room floor. Every once in a while I would “pin them” to the floor just to remind them that I was “the boss,” but most of the time I would let them beat me so they could know the thrill of...
The First Order of Creation

The First Order of Creation

Have you discovered yet that God does things in sequence… in a progression. Just look to the front of the book He gave us and you’ll see that He does things “in order.” You need look no further than Genesis 1:3 to discover that LIGHT is the very first order of...
Where All of Our Problems Began

Where All of Our Problems Began

Where did all of our problems begin? We could go back to the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. Yes, we could say that DISOBEDIENCE is where all of our problems began. But, let’s go back further than that, to before the fruit...
Get “Right” by Confessing “Wrong”

Get “Right” by Confessing “Wrong”

Proverbs 24:16 (NIV) For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again No, I do not say that I never mess up. No, I do not believe that I’m perfect. No, I am not saying that I am better than anyone else. I am aware of my inconsistencies. I am aware of the...
Lord, Heal My Soul

Lord, Heal My Soul

Psalm 41:4  I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: HEAL MY SOUL; for I have sinned against thee. Some sins affect our flesh… some our soul. It’s easy to see the ones that affect our flesh. It’s not so easy to see the ones that affect our soul. The meth addict has rotten...
Problems in the Family

Problems in the Family

Somebody recently told me of a Christian who became an atheist because he said the hypocrites in the church made him turn away from God. I shook my head in disbelief and replied, “That’s like me saying to my wife ‘I’m leaving you because I don’t like the way our kids...
Our Spiritual Umbilical Cord

Our Spiritual Umbilical Cord

While we were still in our mother’s womb we were connected to her by means of an umbilical cord. That connection was our “life source” and without it we would not have survived. When we were born that cord was cut… our life source and supply would now be...
Where’s the Flavor?

Where’s the Flavor?

Have you ever had a cold or a sinus infection that was so bad that you couldn’t taste any of the food you were eating? I remember one time I was eating a nice, big, juicy $12 hamburger at a restaurant, but I had a sinus infection and I couldn’t taste anything. It...