Say What Jesus Said

Say What Jesus Said

I was talking to a lady one Saturday afternoon who had visited the Holy Land. Now, that’s something that I think would be really inspiring… to actually WALK WHERE JESUS WALKED. Just imagining that the very place I was standing might have been the very place that Jesus...
The First Time

The First Time

I asked a young boy in my elementary class at church to ask the blessing over our supper. He said he didn’t want to do it. When I asked why he didn’t want to say the prayer he said, “Because, I’ve never prayed in front of people before.” When he said that I was taken...
Tasting Death

Tasting Death

In Hebrews 2:9 it says that Jesus “tasted death for every man.” What do you suppose death tastes like? Guess what… You’ll never have to find out because Jesus tasted death for you! He TASTED DEATH FOR EVERY MAN! In Bible times, a king would have a servant called...


Isaiah 40:31 They that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength For the longest time I misunderstood the meaning of WAIT as it appears in the verse above. I thought it meant to “sit patiently and do nothing in anticipation of something that is about to happen.”...
Words Can Be Powerful!

Words Can Be Powerful!

One winter morning I injured my toe while playing racquetball with some friends. Although I was in quite a bit of pain, I continued to play through to the end of our match. When I got home I went back to my office and started back with my work and regular activities....
You Are Not Your Own

You Are Not Your Own

One night, my friend Mario and I got into a discussion about tattoos. He showed me a half-finished tattoo that he had on his arm. When I asked why it didn’t get completed he told me this interesting story…. Many years ago, in his B.C. (Before Christ) years, Mario was...
For Those Who Love God

For Those Who Love God

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to see this, but I’ve recently come to realize that there are two sets of promises found in the Scriptures. There are promises that are ours simply because God Loves Us, but there is also a set of promises that belong to Those...
Need Strength? Seek His Presence!

Need Strength? Seek His Presence!

This morning a simple prayer was in my heart so I prayed it out loud, “Lord, give me strength.” As soon as those words left my mouth, it was as if the Lord Himself spoke to me with the words from the scripture, “The joy of the Lord is your STRENGTH” (Nehemiah 8:10)....
Fighting Beelzzzzebub!

Fighting Beelzzzzebub!

I was on my regular morning walk on a warm summer day. I stopped at a park bench to sit down for a moment of prayer and to collect my thoughts for the day. Within seconds I found myself under attack from a pesky, irritating, biting fly. I swatted and dodged as the fly...
Fear and Size Relationships

Fear and Size Relationships

With my working gloves on, I was moving around some large rocks from my side yard to a backyard fountain that I was building. I picked up one rock and there beneath it sat a creepy black widow spider. Without hesitation, I reached down and smashed it with my...