Pursuing the Sun

Pursuing the Sun

In pursuit of a beautiful sunset There’s many a backroad I’ve traveled. It matters not if the road’s “on the map”, Or if it’s freshly paved, or just graveled. Yes, there’s many a road that I’ve gone down Some enjoyable… some – not so fun, But, the potholes...
For His Name’s Sake

For His Name’s Sake

I was teaching a group of elementary kids a Bible Lesson from Psalm 23. We got to the place where it says, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” One little boy said, “What does that mean, ‘for His name’s sake?’” I asked the little boy what...
Old… But Not Cold!

Old… But Not Cold!

I was quietly worshiping the Lord one Sunday morning in church when an old gentleman sat down just two seats from me. I had never seen the elderly man before. He appeared to be in his late 80’s, quite possibly even early 90’s. He was smartly dressed in a stylish brown...
3 Measures of Meal

3 Measures of Meal

“The kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took and hid in 3 measures of meal till the whole was leavened.”  (Matthew 13:33 – King James Version).  I was studying this parable of Jesus last night and discovered that the New International Version...
I’m Being Shaped

I’m Being Shaped

Have you ever heard the saying “we are shaped by our experiences”? The inference is that “who we are” is a result of “what happens to us” in our lives. Although there is truth in that saying, I prefer to look at it a different way. I don’t think it is just coincidence...
Don’t Move Without Him

Don’t Move Without Him

Years ago, on my daily morning walks I was trying to train my dog, Lily, (a German Schnauzer) not to cross the street when cars were coming. One day I thought I’d try something new. As we were walking along we got to the place where we cross a very busy street. I...
Irrational Fear

Irrational Fear

One morning, on my daily morning walk, I passed by a wooded area and was startled by the sound of an angry man’s gruff voice. “Stop right there”, the stern voice shouted. I couldn’t see anyone nor could I tell from which direction the voice was coming. I wasn’t sure...
Connected to an Adam

Connected to an Adam

I had a sobering word to deliver to my friends at the Men’s Home Bible Study one night. I asked the men, “How many of you have children?” Three men raised their hands. I asked, “Have you realized yet that your kids are connected to you, both in regards to your...
The End

The End

When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was sick he delayed going to him, and said to his disciples, “This sickness will not end in death….” If you know the story, however, you remember that Lazarus did actually die from his sickness and Jesus had to go and raise him...