It’s All About Breath

It’s All About Breath

In the beginning God created man out of a handful of dirt. But the man was not alive until God INSPIRED (meaning, breathed into) him. So God INSPIRED man, and man became a living being, and lived in a garden called Eden with his wife. (Genesis 2:7) There was a serpent...
WALK…………….by faith.

WALK…………….by faith.

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we WALK by faith, not by sight.” One day, out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of the word WALK. WALK: move at a regular and fairly slow pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at...
The “WORD” Became Flesh

The “WORD” Became Flesh

I am a very big believer in the POWER OF WORDS. Having said that, however, I’d like to offer the following observation. When God wanted to create the Earth and the Universe it was a simple process… He spoke WORDS… and whatever He spoke came into existence. He showed...
Finding God’s Heart

Finding God’s Heart

Just for a moment, let’s not talk about all the things that God permits or the things He overlooks about us because of His great love for us. Let’s not talk about how far away from His original plan we can deviate and still remain within the boundaries of His love and...
Learn from the Apple Tree

Learn from the Apple Tree

One day, you will wake up and realize that all the things you once looked FORWARD to when you were younger are now BEHIND you. You will be tempted to look BACKWARDS in time to find happiness and joy… remembering the good ol’ days when you were younger and your “life”...
The Fullness of Time

The Fullness of Time

Why was Jesus born the year that he was born? Why wasn’t He born 200 years or 500 years earlier (or later for that matter)? And, why didn’t He start his ministry at the age of 18 or 25 or 27? Why did it start when He was 30 years old? The answer to these questions is...
An Eternal Reminder

An Eternal Reminder

I have a scar on my right hand. It’s been there for over 40 years. It’s a constant reminder to me of a windy summer day when I was 8 years old growing up in South Carolina. I had built a fort in my backyard out of boards from a large wooden crate. While I was playing...
Do You Have “Belief” or “Faith”?

Do You Have “Belief” or “Faith”?

Are BELIEF and FAITH the same thing? For the longest time I thought they were interchangeable words, having the same meaning. I’m not sure why it’s took me so long to understand, but I now know that BELIEF and FAITH are two different things. You see, you can have a...
The Exhorter

The Exhorter

“What is an exhorter?” That was the question I was asked at the Men’s Bible Study after I said, “Tonight I’m going to be an exhorter and not just an encourager.” So, I proceeded to use a little illustration to explain the difference between an encourager and exhorter,...
For His Name’s Sake

For His Name’s Sake

I was teaching a group of elementary kids a Bible Lesson from Psalm 23. We got to the place where it says, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” One little boy said, “What does that mean, ‘for His name’s sake?’” I asked the little boy what...